Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Price of the Message

Question: What costs $250,000 to make, $3,000,000 to distribute, and is obsolete in 30 seconds? Answer: A commercial on this year’s Superbowl broadcast. Even at those prices, advertisers are lining up to promote their goods and services to an estimated audience of 90 to 148 million. In their attempt to sell everything from hamburgers to beer they are literally willing to spare no expense to get the message out.

Question: What costs the life of God’s Son and lasts for eternity? You know the answer. Perhaps this would be a good time to evaluate how much we invest in distributing the message of God’s love to a lost and dying world. Are we willing to spare no expense sharing the Gospel? There are multiple ways we can invest; we can give our gifts to support the work of our church and missions around the world. We can invest our time and energy in the work of our church and invest our passion in witnessing for Christ among our circle of friends and acquaintances.

So as you watch the game, and regardless of whether you watch the commercials or use the time for a snack run, remember the message of Jesus is worth all we can give it..

Jesse Waggoner


Anonymous said...

This is a great illustration! We need to keep things in perspective-thank you for pointing that out!

Anonymous said...
