Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Price of the Message

Question: What costs $250,000 to make, $3,000,000 to distribute, and is obsolete in 30 seconds? Answer: A commercial on this year’s Superbowl broadcast. Even at those prices, advertisers are lining up to promote their goods and services to an estimated audience of 90 to 148 million. In their attempt to sell everything from hamburgers to beer they are literally willing to spare no expense to get the message out.

Question: What costs the life of God’s Son and lasts for eternity? You know the answer. Perhaps this would be a good time to evaluate how much we invest in distributing the message of God’s love to a lost and dying world. Are we willing to spare no expense sharing the Gospel? There are multiple ways we can invest; we can give our gifts to support the work of our church and missions around the world. We can invest our time and energy in the work of our church and invest our passion in witnessing for Christ among our circle of friends and acquaintances.

So as you watch the game, and regardless of whether you watch the commercials or use the time for a snack run, remember the message of Jesus is worth all we can give it..

Jesse Waggoner

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Gone Fishing!

Growing up in the hills of West Virginia, fishing was just part of life. As boys we fished in creeks, rivers, lakes, and ponds. We would dig up worms in the backyard garden, net minnows or catch assorted other critters for bait. Fishing was big stuff. I must admit fishing is an infrequent activity of my adult life; perhaps this is due to the pace of my life or my lack of patience, but I am safe in the knowledge that there are enough fishermen in the Bible Center family to keep the fish population of West Virginia streams in check.

Several of those closest to Jesus were professional fishermen before He changed them into "fishers of men," and by means of their example we are all to do some fishing among the people we know. Sometimes I feel I am not much better at fishing for men than I am fishing for fish. When it comes to fishing, I need help. The fishermen's encounter with Jesus in Luke 5 will provide us all with that help. I invite you to learn God's plan for fishing and together, to go fishing with me. In so doing we will be blessed, God will be glorified and we don't even have to mess with any squirmy worms.

Jesse Waggoner

Thursday, January 15, 2009

On Tuesday, the 44th President of the United States will take the oath of office. As has been the custom for nearly every president, he will place his hand on a Bible as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court administers the constitutionally prescribed oath. The particular Bible to be used is one used by Abraham Lincoln on the occasion of his first inaugural in 1861. It is a King James Bible printed in 1853 and is kept by the Library of Congress. There is no requirement that a Bible be used by a president; in fact, the words "so help me God" are not in the Constitution, but have been customarily spoken by presidents throughout the years.

Question: Why would one take an oath with a hand upon a Bible? The symbolism is quite clear: a person making a solemn and sacred promise would naturally reach out to something that was likewise sacred. We who embrace the gospel of Christ affirm the sacred nature of the Scriptures. The Bible is God's authoritative Word delivered to us.

So what can we learn from this little civics lesson? How about this: In our times of decision, change, or transition, let's reach out to the sacred book that God has given us. In it we will find God's direction, comfort and contentment for our lives. We have the opportunity to access the teaching of God's Word both this morning and this Sunday. Thank you for being a part of a special time in the sacred Book.

Jesse Waggoner

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

When confronted with Jesus...

1. Mary – Marveled
2. Joseph - believed
3. Angels – praised
4. Shepherds - announced
5. Star – pointed the way
6. wise men – worshiped
7. Herod – threatened

8. John – Baptized
9. Devil – tempted
10. Andrew - followed
11. Matthew – sold out

12. Demons – trembled
13. Pharisees – tested
14. Sadducees – mocked
15. Winds – obeyed
16. Fig tree – withered
17. Diseases – yielded
18. Home town – rejected
19. Nicodemus – questioned
20. Rich Young ruler – grieved
21. Many – were healed
22. Multitudes - were fed
23. Lazarus – came forth
24. Mary – sat
25. Martha - served

26. Judas – betrayed
27. John - loved
28. disciples - fled

29. Sanhedrin – tried
30. Peter – denied
31. Pilate – acquitted
32. Mrs. Pilate – was troubled
33. Herod – was Amused
34. Pilate Condemned

35. High Priest – called him a blasphemer
36. Crowds – cried crucify Him
37. Sanhedrin – condemned Him
38. Soldiers - mocked
39. The nails – pierced Him
40. Cross – held Him
41. Centurion – eulogized Him
42. Joseph of Arimathia – buried him
43. God – raised
44. Women – praised
45. Discipled – were amazed
46. Thomas – doubted

47. Paul – persecuted
48. Peter – proclaimed
49. Paul – preached
50. John - prophesied

51. You - ??????????

Jesse Waggoner

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Kneel Down

At the end of WVU's bowl win this year, quarterback Pat White stated that the kneel down is the best play in college football (watch video below). It means that the game is won and the celebration is about to begin. This reminded me that the kneel down is a great play in our spiritual journey.

At the start of this new year, it is a good time to recommit and resubmit to our God. A good time to kneel down before Him and reconfirm your followership and His leadership. It is a perfect opportunity to humble yourself and tell Him of your love and refocus your life on Him. Why not find some time today and kneel down before our Lord?

if you get these by e-mail use this link to view video

Jesse Waggoner