Tuesday, December 30, 2008

How fast are you going?

Where are you traveling this year? Maybe you have trip or two planned, or perhaps you are committed to just staying home. No matter your plans, you are going to do some traveling, a lot of traveling. In fact, you are on the move as you read this. Not so sure? Consider this: right now the earth is spinning on its axis, with you on it, at a speed of about 800 miles per hour. It doesn't feel like you are moving because everything around you, above you and under you is moving at the same speed and direction as you. If that is not enough movement, consider this: the earth travels around the sun at a speed of about 67,000 miles per hour! You are going somewhere; you have no choice.

Spiritually it is the same, you are always moving. You are either making progress in your walk with God or you are digressing. Even Jesus is described as making progress; “And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men"(Luke 2:52). If He needed to make progress, we certainly do.

Today we are going to discover some ways that you can insure your spiritual progress in 2009 as we go One on One with Jesus. As you travel through this New Year, will you join me in being committed to going in the right direction?

Jesse Waggoner

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Unopened Present

A few years back at a family Christmas get-together, the house was filled with presents and persons. I am sure you know something of this kind of gathering. It consisted of two grandparents, a couple of great grandparents, several children, a few in-laws, a bunch of grandkids, a trio of pets and some assorted family friends. With this many persons and presents, the stack around the Christmas tree looked like it was about to be completely swallowed. When the time came for opening the presents, we adults stood back as the kids dove headfirst into the pile, amid squeals of delight. After the first wave had ended, the adults were able to wade, waist deep, through the shredded boxes and paper to at last retrieve the remaining presents. After all had been passed out, there remained one nicely wrapped box. It had no tag or name listed. It remained unopened until we could figure out what to do with it.

Salvation is also a gift, "For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23). It cannot be purchased or earned through our good deeds. It only can be accepted on the basis of faith. "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God" (Ephesians 2:8). Faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ is the only way to open the gift of God.

Oh, are you still wondering what we did with the unopened gift? Finally, someone was selected to open it while all eyes strained to see what the box contained, thus telling, perhaps, who it was for. When it was opened, my mother-in-law identified that it was for one of my brothers-in-law, and the gift was received and enjoyed. Perhaps this Christmas season there is still one gift you have not opened. God is waiting to give you the gift of salvation.

Jesse Waggoner

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Make Him widely known!

After the shepherds visited Jesus on the night of His birth, we are told..."Now when they had seen Him, they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child." (Luke 1:17) This Christmas season we are encouraging all of us at Bible Center to make Him widely known. The video below will show you how. If you need some invitations they are available at either church campus.

If you receive these posts by e-mail use this link to watch the video.
Bible Center Blog

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Birth Announcements

I have been thinking of all the ways people have announced a new arrival to me. I have received phone calls, cards, letters, e-mails, notes, text messages, personal messages, been given pictures, cigars (which I didn't smoke), lollipops (which I did enjoy), and candy bars. We once had neighbors who let us know of their new baby via a large stork sign in their yard. I do appreciate and feel a bit special that someone would include sharing such good news with me.

Have you ever stopped to consider how God announced the birth of His Son, and to whom He chose to deliver the announcement? He didn't write it in in the sky, He didn't send out a press release, He didn't send a dispatch to the king or congress. He instead dispatched a band of angels to a nameless group of shepherds. Why shepherds? I have been asking myself the same question as I prepare for Sunday's message. I am sure by then I will have a few more possibilities but I will try this one on you. Perhaps he choose the most ordinary of people, so that He could show us that His message can be passed on through ordinary people. Luke 1:17 tells us... "Now when they had seen Him, they made widely known the saying which was told them concerning this Child." We really don't need to be that special to make Him widely known; we just need to do it.

This time of year gives us great opportunities to announce Jesus birth to others, so they may have a "One on One" relationship with Him. Let's do it together!

Jesse Waggoner