Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Come to the Table

Some count carbs, some count calories, and others follow strict diet plans, all in an effort to insure that they have proper nutrition. The old saying, "you are what you eat”, rings true for our physical health. Proper nutrition is also of paramount importance for our spiritual health. The Word of God is compared to both "milk" (1 Peter 2:2) and "solid food" (1 Corinthians 3:2). Pastors are commanded to "feed the flock" (John 21:25). Without a doubt, the Word of God is the source of our spiritual nourishment.

It has been, and remains, the commitment of Bible Center Church that we provide a balanced diet of God's truth in every ministry. Whether it is a preschooler learning a simple verse in Cubbies, or if it is Scripture shared at the bedside of an ailing senior citizen, we desire to deliver a well prepared and well served “helping” of God's Word. For more than 65 years we have been blessed with great Bible teaching from our pulpit; and please pray for those of us who are called upon to deliver the message for today.

So won't you come to the table eager to enjoy hearing from God? Don't settle for a handful of vitamins or a fast-food meal; let’s together dig deep into God's Word and feast upon His truth.

Jesse Waggoner


Anonymous said...

"Everyday's a celebration and every meals a feast !" That comment usually results is a look of surprise and confusion as tired workers file into the office on Monday morning, barely awake. Someone on the elevator quietly mumbles, howzit goin. I'm excited about life after spending time with the Lord in my morning devo's and praying with my wife before we headed off tho work. I need to be careful that my enthusiasm coming from the feast is not offensive to those who are starving for truth.

photogrammetry company said...

Delicious food...
thanks for sharing..
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