I am so ready for Spring! I think maybe the groundhog got it wrong about how much more bad weather we would have. But now it is March and we only have 19 more days until it is officially Spring. If you want the exact info: spring begins March 20, 2009, at precisely 7:44 A.M. EDT the Sun will cross directly over the Earth's equator. This moment is known as the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. For the Southern Hemisphere, this is the moment of the autumnal equinox. But whatever you call it, I am looking for my time outside to increase, the grass to grow and my heating bill to go down.
I think what makes me look forward to this most is I want some change! The same is true for my life it too is in need of some change. The same Person who changes winter to spring is the same Person who wants to change you and me. As things change around us be encouraged that as surely as the world turns and seasons change, God will remain faithful to the task of changing us. He has not given up on us, and He is not finished with us, something better is coming.
“being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;” (Philippians 1:6)
Jesse Waggoner